
Monday, February 27, 2012

Wait on the Lord

Wait on the Lord
by: Joe Zichterman

Tho the pathway before you uncertain maybe
Trust the Lord no good thing to withhold back from thee
He is perfect in wisdom and faithful to bless
Trust His word; in His time He will give you His best.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings as eagles
They shall run and not grow weary
They’ll walk and not faint
Wait, I say, wait on the Lord.

Be not weary in waiting for love suffers long
If you faint not, you’ll reap when the harvest is come
Run with patience the race as you rest on His word
For your testing will teach you to wait on the Lord.

(Repeat Chorus)


Anonymous said...

Hi, do you have a copy of the music sheet?

Lerma Aguipo said...

yes, am asking too if you have a copy of music sheet of this song. so appropriate for our ongoing devotional. Thanks a lot, so inspiring